Getting Some Action

I know what you’re thinking, but I’m talking about a different kind of action 🙂


  1. Thanks for the plug, buddy. I had to chuckle when I saw the title of this vlog because one of the main characters in book I’m writing now – “Every Second Counts” – gets lots of action .. only a little of it on horseback.

    I love your vlogs, especially the ones with your little lamb friend.



  2. You look really sleepy. You need less action 🙂 I love the seat of your pants action scenes in Kim Baldwin’s Hunter’s Pursuit. The food fight especially. She is a gifted writer of action scenes, as are many of her colleagues!


  3. I went through janet Evanovitch’s ‘Stephaine Plum’ books a couple of years ago – well before I heard that there was going to be a movie version of the first one – and as far as out-of-the-ordinary action scenes that kept me turning the pages and laughing until tears rolled down my cheeks, Stephanie was my go-to gal of that moment.


  4. I like the hospital action/surgical/emergency scenes in Rad’s Fated Love (especially the opening scene), Passion’s Bright Fury and Turn Back Time.
    I also enjoy Kim Baldwin’s Hunter’s Pursuit.
    Madam President and First Lady by Blayne Cooper and T Novan also come to mind for the action.
    Cam’s shooting scene in the Honor Series, oh yeah that gets the heart racing too.


  5. Great vlog, Carsen, and thanks Laydin and Devlyn for the Hunter’s Pursuit mention. I love writing action scenes, and have to admit I get a real thrill when I get an email from a reader saying I kept them up late 🙂


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