Spinning Around in Giant Teacups and a Free Book

Congratulations to kat wardyla! She won a signed copy  of Love and Devotion!

Sometime back in late November, or maybe it was early December, I received a box full of Love and Devotion.

20140121_083923And then I promptly forgot all about it. Not that I wasn’t excited. I LOVE getting those boxes. They make me feel valid. And special. Like I’m a real honest-to-gosh author. But that time of year is freaking nutso busy. The holidays are HAPPENING and I have a house full of overly enthusiastic children. And, not for nothing, but that is the hardest time of year for me emotionally. It starts in late November (sometimes earlier) and extends into January.

So, as I was saying, I got this box and I gave away a copy during the Hootenanny, but didn’t really do anything else with it. Now it’s past time to remedy that.

Solution? Obviously I’m going to give away a copy here at Women and Words! Enter a comment below and I’ll pick a winner on Friday 1/24. So, yeah. Enter. Or something.

What else is going on in the World of Jove at current? Let’s see…

Uncommon RomanceI released a collection of erotic novellas called Uncommon Romance this month.  Here’s the book blurb:

Happily ever after doesn’t look the same for every couple.

In Raw Silk, happily married June and Ashlyn Phillips occasionally enjoy adding another dynamic to their sex life. When Katerina “Kat” VanderVort enters June’s office one day, she sets her sights on June. Lucky for her, Ashlyn loves to indulge her wife’s fantasies.

In On Her Knees, Simone Davies is finally happy. That is, until her chief tormentor and biggest crush, Abby Nelson, shows up at her firm’s holiday party. Together they struggle to forget the past and build a future together.

In Hollis, homicide detective Jude Lassiter pushes a little too hard, and her instructor at a FBI anti-terrorism training session, Special Agent Beverly Hollis, knows exactly how to punish her. Jude is all too willing to submit.

This morning when I logged onto facebook, I found out that C-Spot Reviews posted a review of Uncommon Romance. And it’s flattering. I’m all kinds of stoked about that because it’s my first review on C-Spot. So, yeah. Check it out HERE if you want to give it a little peek.

What else? I have a couple of cool events coming up in February and I’m dying to tell y’all about it. So I’m going to.

First, The Liz McMullen Show is doing a Valentine’s Day special, similar to the one she did for Halloween. The point, if I understand it properly, is that a bunch of authors, me included (yes, I’m flattered by that) are doing readings that fit a romantic theme, however loosely. I wrote a short story called Hearts and Roses specially for this event. After Liz posts her special, I’ll also make Hearts and Roses available on my website. Did you know I have a section of FREE short stories? I totally do. You can check that out HERE if you’re interested.

In a couple of hours, I’ll be hooking up with Liz via skype to do the reading. Wish me luck.

Second, on February 15, I’ll be joining the fabulous Andi Marquette over at the Virtual Living Room. The Virtual Living Room, or VLR, is a yahoo based discussion group. We’re going to discuss…things. The subject matter is still being decided upon, so if you have questions for us, or topics you’d like us to hit on, feel free to pop that into a comment here. 🙂

I don’t know how many of y’all have seen the cover for my next release, The Job, but I think it’s the sexiest thing ever. So I’m going to share it again. Here.

The Job 300 DPI

There’s a thing going on over on facebook where, if you’re tagged, you have to share a couple of paragraphs from your current work in progress. Since I’m working on edits for The Job, I posted an excerpt from that. And then I added it to my website, just for good measure. Want to read it? You can totally do that HERE. Have you read the blurb? You can do that HERE.

I think that’s it for now, folks. I hope you enter the drawing to win a copy of Love and Devotion because I really want to give away a copy. And I really want you to read it. And like it. That last part is really important.

Until next time, happy reading!


  1. Uncommon Romance was so hot! Highly recommend it. I would love to win love and devotion as well!


  2. I’m going to say here that I love my colleague and co-admin Jove Belle. Not in any scary freaky stalker way. But rather, in a groovy writer think-up-stories way. So get in on this fun, folks, and read her stuff. Because she is a duffle bag of awesome.

    And we’ve got a couple of ideas for discussion at the VLR (MUAH HA HA), but we’d sure luuuuv to hear from all y’all about what you’d like us to chat about. There’s a caveat to that, though. Careful what you ask for. You’ll probably get it with us. 😀


    • Just when I thought I’d found my self a stalker…

      How big, by the way, is my duffle bag of awesome? Is it one of those small, kid-size ones? Or is it a giant, military issue duffle? This is an important detail.

      I’m very excited about our upcoming get together on the VLR. Well, excited for us. Frightened, just a little, for everyone else.


  3. I haven’t read your novels yet, but I have read short stories of yours. So I would love to win a copy.


  4. I’d love to read one of your books! I’ve never read any of them before, but those excerpts from your novella are hot and now I’m intrigued about your work! Pick me please!


  5. Sounds like you have been busy in the book writing business along with life in general! Looking forward to ‘The Job’ and getting in on this giveaway for ‘Love and Devotion’ Thanks!


  6. Firstly if you pick my number – redraw as I already have your book. But wanted to get on and say how much I enjoyed it and absoluetly loved Uncommon Romance. It was well written, well thought out and just plain HOT. Can’t wait for your next book to come out as Im definately a fan.


  7. I don’t have any ideas, but I can’t wait for Andi and Jove at the VLR! I’ll have to make sure I’m logged on that day (okay, I’m always logged on, I spend so much time there).


  8. I already have read Love and Devotion ,and the new release Uncommon romances and I love them both very much ,actually it have read all of your books and I can’t wait for ” The job” to be released


  9. I enjoyed the heck out of Chaps, so count me in for a chance to win one of your other books. I also agree…your cover for The Job rocks!!


  10. I would love to win a copy of Love and Devotion. (Hand raised, waving wildly in the back of the room.)


  11. Great update and glad to hear you have so much going on. I look forward to the VLR weekend with Andi. And I would love a copy of Love and Devotion. Thanks!


  12. So why do you get a box of your own books? You already know what is in it. I really don’t know but have heard of this with others. Anyway, yes please consider my name in the hat.


    • It’s just one of the things that happens. My publisher (Bold Strokes Books) sends me a box of paperbacks every time one of my books come out. And then I can do things like give them away in contests like this one. 🙂


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