The Road to Rebound by Lynette Mae


As proof of her awesomeness, Lynette decided to give away TWO copies of Rebound instead of just one! The winner’s today are Glenda and Svetla! Congratulations to both of them.

We got the coolest stuff going on around here today! My friend (Well, everybody’s friend, really. I don’t have a monopoly.) Lynette Mae dropped by to celebrate the release of her new novel, Rebound, from Sapphire Books! We’re extra special because today is the release day for Rebound! Woo!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Lynette, you should totally make it your mission to learn more about her. She’s a total class act and awesome writer. You can check her out online at her website HERE. Be her friend on facebook HERE. Follow her on Twitter HERE. And of course, buy her books HERE.

And, just to prove how very awesome she is, Lynette is giving away a copy of Rebound! Woo! Leave a comment below to get into the action. I’ll draw the winner next Friday, 2/21/14. Woo!

The Road to Rebound
by Lynette Mae

Lynette Mae hanging out and looking cool in England.

Hi gang! I’m thrilled that Jove invited me to spend some time here at Women and Words, and even more stoked to talk about my newest novel. As authors, I think we all get absorbed in our current work, sometimes to the point of near-insanity, but Rebound was different. The start of the story came to me in a rush one day, while I was still working on the finishing touches of my second novel, Tactical Pursuit. I guess my brain needed a break from the police action/shooting/suspense. Conner Maguire, the protagonist in Rebound, drove down the court and into my brain like the thoroughbred athlete that she is.

Rather than some external bad guy causing general havoc and mayhem in my character’s life, this time the focus was on much different circumstances. Conner is a pro basketball player. She’s got all the trappings of success: Big house, flashy cars, smokin’ hot girlfriend. She’s a star at the pinnacle of her career. Then fate intervenes, the unthinkable happens, and it’s all gone. That much of the story came clearly on that first day. But then, I thought about the people in my life, immediate family and close friends, who live every day with a disability. I knew that I couldn’t take this story for granted. No clichés, no overdone storylines, it had to be real because they would call me on it. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.Rebound Quote 1

My nephew is confined to a wheelchair since an accident that happened when he was four. While writing Rebound, I realized that although I have a great relationship with my nephew, I was away for much of his life, so I didn’t fully understand what he went through on a daily basis. The same was true of one of my best friends, whom I met after her accident. Now, I wanted to know how they truly felt about the way their injuries had affected their lives. I had no idea when I began writing this story that it would bring us closer together in ways I could never have imagined. It was scary at first, asking them intensely personal questions, but the hang-ups were more of my own invention than reality. I found they didn’t mind my questions because it gave them the chance to share more of themselves than ever before. I came away with the deepest respect imaginable.

Rebound covers new ground for me as a writer, but LM fans will also recognize some familiar themes. Shawn Tyler, the wheelchair basketball coach is an injured Army vet, still grappling with her demons—some resulting from the battlefield, and others deep-seated from a life experiencing the pain of racial prejudices. These two very different women inexplicably need one another if they hope to figure out what’s important in this life. Can a game of basketball offer these two women the strength they need to reclaim their lost hope? If you believe in the power of selfless teamwork, the resilience of the human spirit, and even the magic of love, you know anything is possible. Rebound is my humble attempt to show the ways in which we are all the most alike: Our humanity.

Cole Armocida
(I totally stole the picture from her facebook page. Click on the pic and it will take you to the original.)

Oh, and one more totally cool thing about Rebound. As a writer, I love to include references to music in my work. Early in the first draft, I wrote my good buddy, Cole Armocida, into the story as Conner’s favorite indie rocker. When I sent Cole the preview, she not only loved the idea, she believed in Conner so much that she wrote an original song, aptly titled, Rebound. A preview clip will be available in the eBook version of Rebound! Now, how awesome is that? When you see the link, just click and it will take you to Cole’s musical genius. Just like that. Cole has truly captured the emotional spirit of this story.

Want to check out the song? Do that HERE!

So, that’s the entire journey of Rebound, folks. From that first day Conner charged into my consciousness, all brash and swagger, this has been an unforgettable experience for me. I hope you enjoy the story, and if it inspires you to go watch a sporting event with disabled athletes, I promise you will come away awed and inspired.


  1. Having worked in adapted PE and aquatics for many years, and knowing many people with disabilities, I am really looking forward to reading your book. Thank you for really researching the lives of people with disabilities. I’m betting it will be an incredible read!


  2. Lynette, I found this blog very heart-felt and touching on this day that we celebrate love. My father had Parkinson’s Disease for 35 years, and I have friends and family with MS and other disabilities. I can’t wait to read this book, and I am so glad that you took the real road, the hardest road to take!


    • Hi Jane! I think most of us are touched by disability in some form throughout our lives. My nephew and best woman have always been such a great inspiration to me. Anytime I’m tempted to give in on a rough day or feel sorry for myself, I only have to look at them to realize how blessed I truly am. Their spirit is contagious.


  3. As a reader with a disability, I love seeing other women like and unlike me portrayed in our literature. Thank you. Let’s see if I can win t his book!


  4. I can’t wait to read this book. It would be nice to win but I suspect it will make its way into my library prior to the drawing. 😉


  5. PEOPLE. I am super-stoked about this book, and super-stoked that Cole Armocida did a SONG for it. I write to music, and I always have soundtracks for each of my books and stories, but to have an actual song for a specific book? SWOOOOON! You may just have started a trend, here, LM! 🙂 Congrats on the release, and people. spread the word! GIVEAWAY! OMG!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!


    • Andi! This project was one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever done in my life. Cole is an amazing talent, and one of the most wonderful souls you’ll ever meet. When I was in NYC last year, Cole and her lovely wife were gracious enough to spend the day with my wife and I and our nephew, Chris. Cole shared with me that she started out writing the song about Conner in Rebound, but soon realized the message had universal appeal, even helping her through a difficult patch. That, I think is the greatest thing of all about creativity. Touching another heart with a message that transcends. Rebound, the song, captures that message perfectly.

      And hey folks, it’s only 99 cents! Go buy a copy now!


  6. I am soooo looking forward to this book! Lynette has a wonderful way with words and I for one, am grateful she shares her gift with the world! Good luck with this new venture Lynette, and don’t forget, we still need to meet for a Primanti’s Brothers!


  7. A bit scared about the topic, as the only person I’d closely known in a wheelchair was my mom after her stroke and there was just deep depression connected with that.


    • Hi Svetla. Wow thank you for commenting here. I am sorry for the pain you associate with wheelchairs, but trust me, there are so many inspirational people with disabilities. Rebound is my humble attempt to give a glimpse into their world and remind us all that we are alike inside. Take care.


  8. What an amazing tale, Lynette. Can’t wait to read it. I love when authors are inspired to write stories that occur around us everyday, but a lot of people don’t see, don’t recognize, or simply chose to brush them aside. Any story that reflects humanity, which you pointed out we all share, and the magic of love is bound to be a compelling story in my book. Write on!


    • RJ, you are so right. I thought I already had an awareness simply because of the special folks in my life. Now, I’m more in tune than ever, and better for the experience. Thanks for saying hello and let me know how you like the story, okay? Peace.


  9. I can’t wait to read the book, it sounds fantastic. I love Cole’s music and the song is perfect for the video.


    • Denee, don’t think Rebound is all serious learning. There is a love story central to the novel as well. It’s about how we often find what we need when we’re finally able to see what’s truly important. Glad you stopped by. 🙂


  10. How awesome of Cole Armocida to write the Rebound song!!! How cool is it for you to have so much support surrounding your endeavors???? Kudos to you and congratulations!! Can’t wait to read your book and check out the song!! 🙂


    • Sandi, Cole is more awesome than I can ever say. Her song is soulful and captures Conner and Shawn’s emotion perfectly. Hope you enjoy the story. Stop by by facebook page or website and let me know. Take care.


  11. I too was “stuck” in a wheelchair after many years of having the freedom of walking. It has been extremely difficult for me to adjust to not being able to do so many things that I have always (unfortunately) taken for granted. Good luck with your new book. Please fee free to post what you would like about your books in my Facebook group (LGBT With Disabilities). I very much enjoy reading Lesbian fiction and non-fiction. Good luck with your book and all of your other endeavors

    Loving Life,

    Dawn Groothuis.


    • Dawn, my intent for writing this story was precisely to portray what you’ve so aptly demonstrated here. You describe your difficulties and then your salutation is “loving life”. That is inspiring all by itself. Ordinary heroes will always be the champions of my stories. Thank you for saying hello and welcoming me to your group. Take care. 🙂


  12. LM you are such an amazing author who is able to capture characters so well and bring them to life with awesome action that I can not wait to get my hands on a copy of Rebound. Thank you for sharing the story if its inception. I love that you are bringing readers a story that goes beyond the physically perfect woman meeting another physically perfect woman and having a perfect romance. Thank you!!


    • Erin, you are very kind. You are one of my original fans, so you know I love to champion the everyday hero. Shawn and Conner are cut from that mold, so I hope you will like them as much as Devon and Mac. All the best.


  13. LM, I love Faithful Service, Silent Hearts and Tactical Pursuit and have read both several times. Rebound sounds like an incredible story as well. Would love to win a copy but assure you it will become part of my library regardless.



    • CW, you are very sweet to say so. Good luck with the drawing. Rebound is a little different on the surface, but I believe you’ll recognize some common LM themes. Thank you for your support and for taking the time to say hello.


  14. Congratulations, Lynette. The book sounds great and I very much enjoyed the blog post. Looking forward to reading Rebound. Thanks!


  15. I look forward to reading this — You picked a difficult subject, one not covered much. The subject matter indicates all kinds of bravery.


    • I appreciate that, nagolmai, but the real bravery is the countless people living everyday with disability, who never ask for anything but to be treated with respect. Despite all the obstacles our able-bodied world places in their way, they thrive. THAT is humbling for me. Thanks for saying hello.


  16. Your book sounds interesting. Thank you for sharing your inspiration and a bit of your process. I have a ton of respect for all of the authors for their skills, dedication, and generosity. And, we love basketball here in Hoosierland!


  17. When I saw this book and learned what it was about I knew that it had to be about your nephew. All I can say is I am sure your sisters love is shining down upon you!


    • Terri, although the story is not about my nephew, he inspired me to create a character that would tell a story that I hoped might make him proud. You know she was my biggest fan. Thanks, my friend.


    • Dutch! How the heck are ya? How’s retirement from the army? Cole Armocida did an amazing job on the music and the trailer! Give me a holler when you have time over on FB. Take care.


  18. Lynette …You rock!!! I cant wait to read this book and I am sure I will love it, as I have loved everything you write!!! Thank You for being YOU!!!


  19. Hey Lynette ,gratlation on the new book !!!! I have been waiting for so long to read it!! I just love your stories 🙂


  20. Yup, LM is going for the Green Monster(BoSox shout out) with this one. The intro is great and since I was the last kid in class to know about video trailers for literature(!), I look forward to reading another title from the heady but fun author. Hooah!


  21. Loved this book, and with your others it will be read and read again. Your stories are inspirational and very individual, and it feels as thought a personal part of you is in each storied.


  22. I would love to have a copy and it be signed by you!! It sounds inspirational and uplifting from what I have read so far… reach in that bucket and pull my name out!


    • Haha! Terri, the Women and Words merry elves do the drawing. But if we keep getting comments and entries…I just might add a second book to the giveaway! What do you think??? I’m so inspired!


  23. Finished this one on Sunday, I couldn’t wait to get the paper book, so kindle it was instant. Lynette I always enjoy your books. I found this one exceptional, the story, the characters, were wonderful. Please put my name in the hat for a paper copy.


  24. Congrats on the release of the new book. I can not wait to read it. I know that the wait will be worth it. I know you put your heart and soul into this one.


  25. This sounds like an incredible book with heart. Can’t wait to read it. Congratulations, on another success.


  26. I loved this book! It made me laugh, and cry my heart out. Such a beautiful, well written story. If I am drawn, I would like the book to go to Mary M. Deutcher, thank you.


    • That is such a sweet offer, Sarah! I love this! Pay it forward. We all owe Dutch and her fellow vets a debt for their service. I applaud your generosity and we will honor your request.


  27. I’ve loved everything by Lynette Mae, so am really looking forward to Rebound. I enjoy “hearing” what she has to say on Facebook.


  28. Loved this book, really gave me an up, when certain aspects of my life have been dragging me down. Connor’s positive attitude to her disability was so inspiring!


    • Beni, coming from an avid reader such as yourself, this is a truly wonderful compliment. I wanted Conner to be a character that everyone could identify with. Thanks for letting me know that the story spoke to you.


  29. Wow! What a fantastic week this has been! I just wanted to pop back in one more time and tell you all how much I appreciate all the love here at Women and Words. Jove and Andi, you are the best! And everyone who took the time to drop me a note to say hello, even better that you like the story, I am so very grateful. One last reminder, rocker Cole Armocida knocked it out of the park with her original song, Rebound, and the trailer for the book. Head on over to CD Baby or iTunes and download your copy of this amazing song!

    That’s it for me, peeps. Thanks again, peace and remember, Conner and Coach Shawn say, “Never quit.”


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