Women and Words is on hiatus starting today!

Greetings, all —

I know! Weird, that this day is already here! As you should probably already know, we announced on May 1 that we were going on hiatus June 1.

We’re not going to re-hash everything; you can read it in the May 1 post. We do want to reiterate how grateful we are that you all have spent time with us. When Jove and I launched this site just over a decade ago, we weren’t sure what would happen. We just knew we wanted a place where people could hang out and have some fun, have some thoughts, and share some luv.

We hope we accomplished that.

To all who have written for this site over the years, thank you. We know it takes time to put blogs together and you volunteered your time and energy to do that.

To all the authors who donated books for the holiday Hootenanny event, thank you. You helped make that event really special.

To all the publishers who also donated books for the Hootenanny, thank you, too. Jove and I were amazed every year at the outpouring of support and donations we got over the years for that event.

To all our guest bloggers who offered blogs and did giveaways of their work, thank you. Readers appreciated learning more about new works, new authors, and having a chance to win a book.

And to all our readers, thank you! We wouldn’t have had any reason at all to do this if it weren’t for you and your support over the years, and all the great comments (like, thousands–srsly) and conversations that have started here.

Thanks to all of you!

Jove and I haven’t made any decisions beyond this hiatus; as we noted May 1, we’re exhausted and we have a lot of other stuff going on as I’m sure many of you do, so you can totally relate. But you can find us on social media; we’re still around and if you have any questions or you just want to chat or whatever, it’s not that hard to track us down. 🙂

Everybody take care, and all the luv to you and yours!


Jove and Andi


  1. A big Thank you😘 to everyone that has contributed to the site. Big hugs to both of you for all the hours you’ve spent building this special place for all of us who enjoy wlw stories and all the great blogs by your gang! Much love to you all and maybe see you down the road♥️

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  2. It’s a sad day, but may both of you have a very well deserved rest. Thank you for many entertaining posts and all the fun Hootinanny events. You will be sorely missed. May this be tot siens and not goodbye!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thankyou you both very much. I came late to the site so I’ll have fun checking the archives if they’ll still be available. Stay safe and get some rest.
    ✌🏽 gaile

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  4. Thank you both for providing this safe space for me many years ago when I was discovering the wonderful world of lesfic.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Just a sincere thank you for all the fun and interesting blogs and convos. The yearly Hootenanny will always be a fav. I hope Tucker makes an appearance here and there to keep you on your toes and give us all a laugh. Women and Words will be missed. Thanks bunches!


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